- Yesterday Once More!
- 11/10Related Links
- 11/10Always Eat
- 11/10Armor Set Effects + Tooltip
- 11/10Player Range Chat
- 11/10Custom Message Display
- 11/10Consuming Item Durability in Crafting
- 11/10Disable Specific Commands for Players
- 11/10Drop Player Head When Player Dies
- 11/10Enchantment Descriptions
- 11/10Fishing Rod Hook
- 11/10Get Current Moon Phase
- 11/10Get the Accurate World Seed
- 11/10Chance of Grass Turning into Dirt when Jumping on Grass Block
- 11/10Player becomes invisible in tall grass when crouching
- 11/10Highlight Item Entity Names
- 11/10CreateEvents provided by KubeJS Create
- 11/10Modify Item Builder
- 11/10Modify Result with Ingredient
- 11/10Trigger after player opens village loot chest 10 times
- 11/10Rainbow Text
- 11/10Random Concrete Pickaxe
- 11/10Random Wool Shear
- 11/10Reality Ender Pearl
- 11/10Replace Multiple Item Recipes
- 11/10Using World Seed in Recipe
- 11/10Difference between immediate and actual in DamageSource
- 11/10Difference between ItemStack.weakNBT() and ItemStack.strongNBT()
- 11/10Difference between PlayerEvents.chat and PlayerEvents.decorateChat
- 11/10Beans
- 11/10Read JSON files from any module
- 11/10Script Preprocess Arguments [KubeJS 6+]
- 11/10Syncing Scripts to Github
- 11/10Useful Mods (Non-KubeJS Addons)
- 11/10Custom VSCode Code Snippets for KubeJS